"All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" The Declaration of Independence

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Shawnee, Ok, United States
Christian, Husband, Father, State Representative for Oklahoma's House of Representatives HD 26

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Education for Tomorrow's Leaders

 We are currently in an extreme economic recession/depression. Our unemployment is recorded at 9.1%, but realistically much higher.  When compared to other countries we are a far cry from the most intelligent.  The answer to our problems seems so simple.  It has to be Education. 

Education is an extremely important aspect of our society. Tomorrow, I hope to receive answers on how to better equip our public schools to succeed. It excites me to be allowed to visit my grade school/ middle school Alma Mater, Grove School, in Shawnee, OK.  I received a world class education and I believe it prepared me, more so than High School, to succeed in life after school.  I will report with my findings and hopefully I will be prepared to help our schools when I am elected to the Oklahoma State House in 2012. 

I hope to meet with local Home School groups in order to better understand their outlook on education.  My wife was home schooled and I believe her to be one of the most intelligent women I know. 

Brit Lit Extra -
I read Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway this week for my British Literature class.  It is another novel I have read before, but it brings to mind a cold truth that we must accept as a war time nation. Our men and women must be given proper medical support when they return from a war zone. I am so thankful for the work they do in order to insure our freedom and the liberty of all mankind.  We must not forget the soldier when he returns to civilian life.

God Bless the Troops,
 Justin Wood 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Thoughts on September

A look back on September:  We celebrated my mother's, brother's, and cousin's birthdays this month and my wife and I celebrated a wedding anniversary. School began to hit full swing and work  became a bit of a bear, as it usually does in the early months of a semester. I began to knock on doors to introduce myself to several of my Shawnee brethren.    I met with several families and groups to better understand what they wanted out of their representative.

My favorite part about running for this office is the opportunity that is bestowed upon my family and I to meet so many great people.  I have felt nothing, but support from the people I have met.  There is nothing better than a firm handshake and a sweet smile from your neighbors.

I am a firm believer that reading is the foundation of learning.  This semester I am enjoying the large amount of reading that is required in my courses.  A few of the novels, I have read before; Frankenstein, Great Expectations, and Mrs. Dalloway. However, I am also beginning to read more poetry than I did in my high school days. This includes poets such as Wordsworth (top 3 poet name), Frost, and Keats.

My wife and I make a point, as our parents did before, to read with our daughter on a daily basis.  I am a proponent of Public school, as am I a supporter of home schooling.  My wife is a Home School Product (Goss Home 2009) and I am a Public School product (Grove School 2004 GO Wild Cats! & Shawnee High School 2008, GO WOLVES!).  We experienced the absolute best of both worlds, but as few want to admit, it had less to do with our teachers than it had to do with our parental support and the effort we gave, as students, on a daily basis.  We hope to give our daughter a love of learning.

I was fortunate to see the film, COURAGEOUS, this evening, with my family.  As an English/Creative Studies  major, I am always critical of movies and I was ready for this low budget film to bore me to sleep.  I was wrong.  I was in tears, mostly from laughing so hard at the quirkiness of the films lead characters, four Sheriff Deputies, first inwardly focused, but through trials God brings them closer together and teaches them what it means to be a "Great" father.

I am a blessed man.  My father, a Shawnee Police Sergeant has spent the past 22 years of his life living for his family.  My brother and I could not have been more fortunate.  However it puts me in a tough spot.  How am I supposed to be that kind of father for my daughter and future children? I'll put that in God's hands and continue to learn from both my earthly and heavenly father.

God Bless,
Justin Wood