"All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" The Declaration of Independence

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Shawnee, Ok, United States
Christian, Husband, Father, State Representative for Oklahoma's House of Representatives HD 26

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Education for Tomorrow's Leaders

 We are currently in an extreme economic recession/depression. Our unemployment is recorded at 9.1%, but realistically much higher.  When compared to other countries we are a far cry from the most intelligent.  The answer to our problems seems so simple.  It has to be Education. 

Education is an extremely important aspect of our society. Tomorrow, I hope to receive answers on how to better equip our public schools to succeed. It excites me to be allowed to visit my grade school/ middle school Alma Mater, Grove School, in Shawnee, OK.  I received a world class education and I believe it prepared me, more so than High School, to succeed in life after school.  I will report with my findings and hopefully I will be prepared to help our schools when I am elected to the Oklahoma State House in 2012. 

I hope to meet with local Home School groups in order to better understand their outlook on education.  My wife was home schooled and I believe her to be one of the most intelligent women I know. 

Brit Lit Extra -
I read Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway this week for my British Literature class.  It is another novel I have read before, but it brings to mind a cold truth that we must accept as a war time nation. Our men and women must be given proper medical support when they return from a war zone. I am so thankful for the work they do in order to insure our freedom and the liberty of all mankind.  We must not forget the soldier when he returns to civilian life.

God Bless the Troops,
 Justin Wood 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Thoughts on September

A look back on September:  We celebrated my mother's, brother's, and cousin's birthdays this month and my wife and I celebrated a wedding anniversary. School began to hit full swing and work  became a bit of a bear, as it usually does in the early months of a semester. I began to knock on doors to introduce myself to several of my Shawnee brethren.    I met with several families and groups to better understand what they wanted out of their representative.

My favorite part about running for this office is the opportunity that is bestowed upon my family and I to meet so many great people.  I have felt nothing, but support from the people I have met.  There is nothing better than a firm handshake and a sweet smile from your neighbors.

I am a firm believer that reading is the foundation of learning.  This semester I am enjoying the large amount of reading that is required in my courses.  A few of the novels, I have read before; Frankenstein, Great Expectations, and Mrs. Dalloway. However, I am also beginning to read more poetry than I did in my high school days. This includes poets such as Wordsworth (top 3 poet name), Frost, and Keats.

My wife and I make a point, as our parents did before, to read with our daughter on a daily basis.  I am a proponent of Public school, as am I a supporter of home schooling.  My wife is a Home School Product (Goss Home 2009) and I am a Public School product (Grove School 2004 GO Wild Cats! & Shawnee High School 2008, GO WOLVES!).  We experienced the absolute best of both worlds, but as few want to admit, it had less to do with our teachers than it had to do with our parental support and the effort we gave, as students, on a daily basis.  We hope to give our daughter a love of learning.

I was fortunate to see the film, COURAGEOUS, this evening, with my family.  As an English/Creative Studies  major, I am always critical of movies and I was ready for this low budget film to bore me to sleep.  I was wrong.  I was in tears, mostly from laughing so hard at the quirkiness of the films lead characters, four Sheriff Deputies, first inwardly focused, but through trials God brings them closer together and teaches them what it means to be a "Great" father.

I am a blessed man.  My father, a Shawnee Police Sergeant has spent the past 22 years of his life living for his family.  My brother and I could not have been more fortunate.  However it puts me in a tough spot.  How am I supposed to be that kind of father for my daughter and future children? I'll put that in God's hands and continue to learn from both my earthly and heavenly father.

God Bless,
Justin Wood

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Our Future

Our children are our future. The way we treat them will define our society for the generations to come.  I recently met with a couple that is enduring incredible hardship because of a custody battle for the wife’s children.  The children are subjected to the abuse of their biological father.  The mother was able to escape the abuse, but her children must continue to endure the emotional and physical abuse until the court system decides it is too dangerous. 
I hope for a day in which we treat children as human beings and not as possessions.   A child has the right to live a life of safety and happiness.  All too often a child is used as a pawn to motivate the parents to “change their ways,” just as the children are returned, the parents revert back into the same destructive lifestyle. How many children have to die before we treat them with the respect they deserve? 

More to come on this issue

May God be with us,

Justin Wood 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Volunteer Opportunities - One Focus

     We are so excited with the progress of our campaign for the State House. Several people have expressed interest in volunteering on the campaign trail. If you or someone you know has an interest in helping out with a variety of needs we want and need your assistance. No volunteer will be turned away! That is a promise.  Opportunities range from door knocking to addressing envelopes.  We have a ton of work to do before we reach our goal.  You can call or text your contact information (405)585.8728 or Email @ JFW2012@Yahoo.com.
    One of my many passions is poetry.  This week in my English literature class we discussed several poets and their poetry.  My favorite type of poetry is the Haiku.  The Haiku consists of three lines in a 5 syllable, 7 syllables, and 5 syllable format.  The three lines must work in unison. They tell the same story, but often serve different purposes.  The goal is simple – 17 syllables in three lines- however, the road is difficult.
    The campaign trail will be full of emotional roller coasters, but we will have one goal and one focus; The Oklahoma State House.  We will listen and work with the citizens of House District 26. There will be people who doubt and disrupt, but we will remain focused on what matters; The people and their concerns.  

God Bless,
Justin Wood

Monday, September 12, 2011

September 11th, 2001- 2011 - Thoughts & Emotions

       I wanted to let the day sink in, before I commented publicly on my thoughts and emotions surrounding the 10th anniversary of those horrendous attacks on our nation. I mentioned yesterday on FaceBook that I can remember the exact moment when the news first hit my ears.
- I was sitting in my Horizons class with several of my friends when my teacher put a classmate in charge of class and abruptly left the room. She left the door wide open and returned shortly with our Superintendent, Mr. Scott.   His words left a strange feeling in the room.  I remember the day being somber, the bus ride home was full of chatter, littered with rumors and fear.  I sat in front of the TV for hours.  My country was under attack. My people were murdered.-  I remember thinking… “I will never forget.”
      Fast forward 10 years and I am running for State Representative for my hometown. I am asking for the honor of representing my city and my people in Oklahoma’s Legislative House.  My generation witnessed the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995 and the Attacks on September 11th, 2001.  We are shaped by our experiences.  I am so very thankful for my American brothers and sisters who decided to serve this country because of a love for the red, white, and blue flag that continues to wave.  I look back on the attack on our country with a matured mindset.  I see the decisions made by our country’s leaders with a whole new perspective.  I have yet to forget how precious life is and how quickly it can be taken away.  I believe in preserving our Constitution and the protection of this nation’s people.  Life is number one at all times. 

      Watching the Anniversary specials brought back the feelings I felt in that classroom 10 years ago.  I cried at times and hurt the entire time for those most closely touched by the horrific event.  I pray for those left behind, that they receive the grace and peace that only Christ can provide. 
God Bless,
Justin Wood

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pott County Fair - Shawnee EXPO Center- Friday and Saturday

I will be at the Pott County Fair, Friday 1PM-6PM and Saturday 9AM-1PM.  The Republican Party and I invite you to come out and enjoy the fair. You will have the opportunity to fill out a voter registration form, volunteer for future Pott County Republican events, and volunteer for future Justin Wood 2012 events. 

  My wife and I made an evening of the free Fair with our daughter Joscelyn.

Just a few headlines/highlight to look forward to when you visit the fair this weekend:
  • The Petting Zoo animals are out and willing to give up the next few days and nights for the delight of area youth. (Rabits/pigs/chicks/horses/goats...etc.)
  • Food- Do I even need to mention fair food?!?
  • Art work 
  • Many fun Vendors (FREE CANDY)
  • Local Dem. and Republican Party members offer those not registered to vote the opportunity to fill out the form
  • Local social groups (knitting, gardening, safety, etc...)
  • Fair rides for those with a strong stomach! 
I look forward to seeing you there!

God Bless,
Justin Freeland Wood

Sunday, September 4, 2011


In one word, pain would describe the past week.  I had my thumbnail removed from my right hand.  One would think, and foolishly I did, that it would be a simple procedure with little consequence and short recovery time. Oh boy was I wrong.  Apparently the thumb is extremely important in every day life. Tying shoes, opening a car door, shifting to drive in the car are all incredibly difficult without the use of the right thumb. A week and several band aids later I am still without use of my right thumb.  Chicken pecking is not the ideal way to complete homework assignments or update your campaign supporters through this blog.  Thus I found myself procrastinating this week.

My wife and I celebrated our wedding anniversary this evening by viewing THE HELP at the local movie theater. It is set in the civil rights fight era, following a young writer and her relationship with the HELP.  It follows the struggles of African American women working as maids in a Mississippi town. The writer decides she will write about the Help's experiences, and in the end learns about herself.
I am an emotional sap, my wife and mother can and probably will attest to that, but I have not seen a movie so emotionally moving in quite some time.  It is a movie that is fit for anyone - the language and maturity of the film may not be suited for the young'ns, but racial struggle and civil rights/equality is still a fight today and is something that was addressed in my household and I am a better man and father today because of it.

I am very thankful for those of you that take the time to read this and care about the campaign that we are running.  Without you this would be an impossible feat.

Don't forget that I will be at the Pott County Fair this weekend Friday-Saturday @ the Pott County Republican Booth! Come Support!!

Enjoy your Labor Day Holiday!

God Bless,
Justin Wood

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Season of Opportunity

   I apologize for my brief hiatus. I have spent the past week preparing for my senior year at the University of Central Oklahoma. I am currently taking 12 credit hours, all of which are literature classes. I look forward to the writing and mental challenge that this fall semester will surely provide.  This will take up a large amount of my time, but I knew that before I decided to take on the challenge of a political campaign. We will rely on God for his grace and wisdom as our time is spent rapidly.  That was part of the discussion before my wife and I began this journey.  

    My English literature class requires that I keep a blog. It makes more sense to include the class in this political journey than to begin a completely separate blog in order to receive a passing grade. This will allow for me to integrate the knowledge I obtain from this semester into our campaign for the Oklahoma State House.  I hope you all will join me in welcoming my Professor, Dr. Kurt Hochenauer, and the rest of my Eng. Lit Since 1800, class! 

       I would like to welcome back to class Oklahoma Baptist University and Saint Gregory's University.  These students are a great part of Shawnee's economic success.  They employ hundreds of Shawnee's finest citizens, including myself : ) !  I hope this semester is your best yet.  

      My wife and I recently gave blood at the Oklahoma Blood Institute's Blood drive held in the "bloodmobile" just outside of OBU's RAWC (Recreation and Wellness Center). I encourage you to give it a try! I hate needles, but it is worth a few minutes of discomfort if it might save a life.  "Feel Strong. Give Blood." 

   I recently attended Spotlight on Shawnee, Downtown on Bell Street.  A couple thousand students and several businesses were represented! I signed up to work the Pott County Republican Party's booth at the County Fair,  Friday and Saturday Sept. 9-10th.  I hope to see you there!

God Bless, 
Justin Wood

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Blessing of Rain

If you are just now getting up, you are noticing the rain that is making a beautiful appearance in Shawnee. A week ago several thousand people participated in a prayer to God for this rain.  This is his gracious answer to our prayers.  It is so easy to take for granted the simple thing in life.  Rain is often a nuisance, something that frizzes hair, and ruins shoes.  Today rain is nourishing the ground we walk on, the trees we find shade under, and the food we need.  I hope everyone takes a moment to say a prayer of thanksgiving.

God Bless,
Justin Freeland Wood

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Welcome to the Trail!

Thanks for following Justin Wood 2012! We are extremely excited about our opportunity to serve Oklahoma's House District 26 (Shawnee, Earlsboro, Bethel Acres). I decided to run for the House of Representatives in December of 2010.  After much prayer and guidance from family and friends (especially my wife) I decided that 2012 would allow the best opportunity to make our mark.  I was born and raised right here in Shawnee, Oklahoma. My father has been a Shawnee Police Officer for nearly 25 years and my mother is a Teacher for Shawnee Public Schools.  Serving the community has never been an option in my family, It is a way of life. 

Over the next 10 months many people will join the race, but no one will work harder to serve the people of house district 26 than I will. You can find all the information you need to make your informed choice next June, right here. Keep coming back!

God Bless,

Justin Freeland Wood