"All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" The Declaration of Independence

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Shawnee, Ok, United States
Christian, Husband, Father, State Representative for Oklahoma's House of Representatives HD 26

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Season of Opportunity

   I apologize for my brief hiatus. I have spent the past week preparing for my senior year at the University of Central Oklahoma. I am currently taking 12 credit hours, all of which are literature classes. I look forward to the writing and mental challenge that this fall semester will surely provide.  This will take up a large amount of my time, but I knew that before I decided to take on the challenge of a political campaign. We will rely on God for his grace and wisdom as our time is spent rapidly.  That was part of the discussion before my wife and I began this journey.  

    My English literature class requires that I keep a blog. It makes more sense to include the class in this political journey than to begin a completely separate blog in order to receive a passing grade. This will allow for me to integrate the knowledge I obtain from this semester into our campaign for the Oklahoma State House.  I hope you all will join me in welcoming my Professor, Dr. Kurt Hochenauer, and the rest of my Eng. Lit Since 1800, class! 

       I would like to welcome back to class Oklahoma Baptist University and Saint Gregory's University.  These students are a great part of Shawnee's economic success.  They employ hundreds of Shawnee's finest citizens, including myself : ) !  I hope this semester is your best yet.  

      My wife and I recently gave blood at the Oklahoma Blood Institute's Blood drive held in the "bloodmobile" just outside of OBU's RAWC (Recreation and Wellness Center). I encourage you to give it a try! I hate needles, but it is worth a few minutes of discomfort if it might save a life.  "Feel Strong. Give Blood." 

   I recently attended Spotlight on Shawnee, Downtown on Bell Street.  A couple thousand students and several businesses were represented! I signed up to work the Pott County Republican Party's booth at the County Fair,  Friday and Saturday Sept. 9-10th.  I hope to see you there!

God Bless, 
Justin Wood

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Blessing of Rain

If you are just now getting up, you are noticing the rain that is making a beautiful appearance in Shawnee. A week ago several thousand people participated in a prayer to God for this rain.  This is his gracious answer to our prayers.  It is so easy to take for granted the simple thing in life.  Rain is often a nuisance, something that frizzes hair, and ruins shoes.  Today rain is nourishing the ground we walk on, the trees we find shade under, and the food we need.  I hope everyone takes a moment to say a prayer of thanksgiving.

God Bless,
Justin Freeland Wood

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Welcome to the Trail!

Thanks for following Justin Wood 2012! We are extremely excited about our opportunity to serve Oklahoma's House District 26 (Shawnee, Earlsboro, Bethel Acres). I decided to run for the House of Representatives in December of 2010.  After much prayer and guidance from family and friends (especially my wife) I decided that 2012 would allow the best opportunity to make our mark.  I was born and raised right here in Shawnee, Oklahoma. My father has been a Shawnee Police Officer for nearly 25 years and my mother is a Teacher for Shawnee Public Schools.  Serving the community has never been an option in my family, It is a way of life. 

Over the next 10 months many people will join the race, but no one will work harder to serve the people of house district 26 than I will. You can find all the information you need to make your informed choice next June, right here. Keep coming back!

God Bless,

Justin Freeland Wood